What I’ve learned about France in 28 Hours


1).  Ze French do not mind if they cut you line.

I’ve waited in many lines since being here—baggage claim, customs, buying tickets, getting on trains.  Almost every line I’ve been in, some French senior citizen has cut in front of me.  Granted, that person usually looks like they don’t have much longer to live, so why would they waste time standing in line when they can cut in front of an American who can’t argue with them because she didn’t bother to learn French before coming to France?  Also, French people of any age do not mind walking between you and your friend if you’re standing on a sidewalk.  It seems that walking around people is stupid, it’s better to walk in between.  They’ve kinda got a point.  

2).  Ze French like the sound of their phone’s ringing. 

When I’m in a public place and my phone rings, I immediately scold myself for not putting it on vibrate and squirm around as quick as I can to silence it.  I survey the room and look at anyone I’ve disturbed and whisper “I’m sorry” and give a sheepish look.  

Here’s what I imagine happens in ze French brain when their phones ring:

*ring ring de la la la ring*

“Ohh would you listen to that, there is music!”

*ring ring de la la la ring*

“Oh no wait, that’s my phone :)” 

*Ring Ring De La La LA ring*

“Now where could I have possibly put that?  Purse, pocket, hmmmmm…”


“Oh well here it is!  In front of my face.  Jean Pierre is calling.  I think I should let my phone ring one more time.”



Seriously, the good people of France must love how their phones sound because they will not answer them until the last possible second.  

3).  French women do not wear a lot of makeup.  A tradition I should partake in.

4).  French women do not wear bras.  A tradition I should partake in?

5).  If the French women are wearing bras, the bra is not doing its job.

6).  And finally, when a French dog barks, it says “Le woof, le woof”.  


*Author’s note: I love France and French people. None of this post is meant to insult, only recording what the author has learned.  Don’t be mad, if you’re french and reading this, you are clearly more brilliant than the author because she can’t speak a second language and went to France by herself and got lost for an hour or two.*