Recap: Josie Loza



Before any of us students could settle in our seats for our Monday night lecture, speaker Josie Loza instructed us to grab a Momaha Magazine and look through it.  Right off the bat, I knew I would enjoy her lecture.  Why did I think that?  The second us students walked in the door, Josie was interacting with us.  Interaction is a huge part of journalism today!  We got to know a little bit about her before the class even started, which I thought was a very smart move.

Josie started by telling us a little bit of her background.  Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, she was a UNO grad just like we all hope to be.  She had a more interesting start than others because she was offered a small job at the Omaha World Herald before she even completed her degree.  Working her way up from filing photos, to writing obituaries, to a profile writer, and finally as the “What’s Happening” Entertainment Reporter.   She talked about how she got to interview Lady Gaga and have a beer with Kid Rock, but she didn’t get to be around these famous people by slacking off.  She stressed the importance of making connections, making opportunities for yourself.  Those words really struck a chord with me:  If I want to do something, I need to make it possible.  Not anyone else.

Life brought many changes for Josie as she moved from her 20’s to her 30’s.  She’s been blessed with children, and as such, her priorities shifted from night life to a mother’s life.  And with that, the creation of Momaha was born.  Created three years ago, isway for Omaha moms connect.  It’s a blog that explores the different aspects of motherhood.  From controversial topics like using inappropriate language around children, to informative topics, like houses with enormous amounts of lead and how that affects a family.  

I enjoyed Josie’s lecture very much, and I love how her career distinctively shows how the world of journalism is continually shifting.


Thanks for reading my recap!


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